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7.0.148.x Release Notes

Release Date


19549 – Paymentus Credit Card Processing Integration

Paymentus has been added as a payment processor integration for credit card payments. Clients would require an account with Paymentus for processing.

20604 – Override Tax Amount and Tax Rate

When performing bond actions allowing to edit premium, the tax amount and tax rate fields can be edited as well. To edit, open the ‘Show Tax Details’ pop-up on the bond page in the premium section. Once opened and the user is authorized to edit premium values, the taxes can use the existing service, override the tax rate, or override the tax amount. Once an option is selected, the pertinent fields are available for editing.

NOTE: To authorize users to edit premium fields, this can be controlled by the ‘Allow Edit Premium’ allowed action located at: All>System Tables>Authority Levels>Actions.

20608 – Allowed Action for Users to Edit Commission Values

The ‘Allow Commission Override’ allowed action has been added to control the commission fields from being edited. This is located at: All>System Tables>Authority Levels>User Roles>Actions. Users with the authority to edit premium can be limited from commission adjustments.

20698 – Question Input Type for NAICS (Industry) Codes

The Industry Codes question input type has been added. This question input type is driven by the list of codes located at: All>System Tables>Industry Codes. Additions, alterations, or removals can be managed from this page.

20772 – Branch Name Added to Find Agency Page for Buy a Bond

Agencies’ branch name has been added to the Find Agency search results page for additional user reference.


19619 – Corrected Add/Update Agent API to Inactive Agent Users

When using the AddAgent, UpdateAgent, or AddUpdateAgent API to inactivate an agent user, the user would be inactivated, but not the agent record. The user would then be restricted from accessing the system; however, the agent would not appear as inactive in the agency’s agent listing. This has been corrected to inactivate the agent record and is shown as such in the agent listing.

20547 – Fixed Copy Bond to Include Bond Configuration Description

When copying a bond configuration, the bond configuration description field would not be copied to the new configuration. This has been adjusted so that the newly created configuration retains the description from the original configuration.

20583 – Corrected Pro-Rating for Reinstatements

When performing a reinstatement action after an initiate cancellation action, in conjunction with the AddDaysToExpiration setting configured to 1, the premium would be adjusted by $1. This has been corrected to reinstate at the same value as the bond prior to the initiate cancellation.

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