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6.1.95.x Release Notes

Release Date


10496 – Ability to Remove People and Companies from Bonds and Accounts

People and company records can be removed from bonds by the non-Premium Bearing Rider or Premium Bearing Rider bond actions and can be removed from accounts by the Update People and Companies account action.

  • When removing a person or company from an account, this will not remove the entity from the bond(s) associated with that account or vice versa.

  • NOTE: Currently the removal of the person or company record will remove it from the current bond and, if applicable, automatically from the renewal record as well.  Additional functionality will be added at a future date to individualize the removal from the current bond and/or renewal.

10602 – Ability to Add Notes to Rejected Bond Applications

A confirmation page has been added to the rejection bond application action. This page also allows for users to have notes entered that would be tied to the action.

12025 – Watermark Added to All Test Agency Documents

A watermark image has been added to all documents produced under a test agency with the wording “Sample.” This image can be changed if needed. Please contact eSURETY™ Support for making this change.


8204 – Corrected Odd/Even Year Expiration for Specified Expiry Dates

When a bond was configured to expire on an odd or even year, and the expiry type was specified, the expiration date was not calculating correctly. This has been adjusted to ensure the expiration date is set to the appropriate year according to the odd or even years designation.

9773 – Alphabetized the Agency State Dropdown

When searching for an agency by state when buying a bond, the list of states in the dropdown was not alphabetical. This list has been alphabetized.

10603 – Fixed Account Actions for Reassigned Referred Account Applications

When an account application is referred and subsequently reassigned to another underwriter, no account actions were available. This has been adjusted to have the pertinent actions available for the account.

11127 – Fixed the Expire Promote Job to not Recalculate Premium for Expired Bond or Promoted Renewals

When the Expire Promote background job processes expiring bonds, and the premium rate for a bond configuration has been changed since the purchase of the bond or renewal; the premium was being recalculated with the Cancel Bond or the Renewal Promotion bond actions. This has been corrected to ensure the premium amount would be maintained through these bond actions.

11128 – Ensured County Field Populates After Selecting Person or Company

When a person or company is selected from the search options on the people and companies page when buying a bond, the address’ county field would not populate. This has been corrected so that the county field is carried over and maintained if previously saved as part of the address record.

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