6.1.119.x Release Notes
Release Date |
15844 – Allow Change Agency Action at Requote
The Change Agency option is enabled to be performed during the requote actions for new bonds and renewals.
16061 – Flag to Exclude User as Possible Responsible Underwriter
A flag has been added for users to be excluded from the responsible underwriter listing. This would remove the user from being selected on the Initial Bond Information page, if by all other criteria the user would be eligible to be a responsible underwriter.
16062 – Addition of Renewal Billing Type to Display on Bond Page
The selected billing type for the next renewal has been added to the Premium section of the bond page for user reference.
16493 – Add Notes to Account Actions
A new field has been added for account actions. This is listed at the bottom of the account fields.
This field is empty for every new action taken on the account, but the most recent note will be displayed on the account. Also, the history of the notes can be viewed on each historical account records and within the History Detail pop-up.
15821 – Adjusted Bond Import to Set Expiration Date with 11:59:59 PM Timestamp
When utilizing the Bond Import web service, the expiration date for bonds would be timestamped to be 12:00:00 AM. This has been corrected to be set to 11:59:59 PM to imitate the behavior of manually entered bonds.
15850 – Fixed Referred Bond Application Email Template when Referral is Due to Inactive Existing Account
When a bond was referred due to the account for the application being referred or suspended, the Referred Bond Application email template was not being sent. This has been corrected to ensure these emails are sent.
16054 – Corrected Set Commission for All Assigned when Using Agency Defaults
When using the Set Commission for All Assigned button on the assign Bonds to Agency page (All>System Tables>Agency>Contract or Commercial) and overriding the existing assignments to use the agency default commission rate, the assignments would not retain the Use Agency Defaults setting. This has been corrected to save the Use Agency Defaults checkbox for all configuration assigned to this agency.
16375 – Modified Address Type Questions to Capture Previous Values in Bond History
When an address type question was updated, the historical record of the address was not being retained. This has been corrected to maintain the prior address information in the historical records of the bond.
16431 – Disallowed Viewing of Bonds and Accounts for Different Agents with Bond Under the Same Account
When a bond was moved to another agency, but the account remained on the original agency; agent users from the bond’s new agency would be able to view the bond’s account, and if searched for, other bonds associated to that account. This has been disallowed to ensure only bonds and accounts associated with the agent’s agency can be viewed by the agent user.
When a bond is associated to an account pertaining to an alternate agency, the Go To Account button on the bond will not be available for the agent.
16446 – Fixed Approve Renewal Application Email Template
When a renewal application is referred and subsequently approved, the Approve Renewal Application email template was not being sent out. This has been corrected to send the email with this action.
Note: If the renewal application is auto-approved, the Auto Approved Renewal Application email template should be used.
16447 – Corrected Tiered Commission Calculation
When using a tiered commission rate with a tiered premium rate, the commission rate calculation would be calculated incorrectly. This has been corrected to ensure the commission rate tier amounts are used.
16627 – Adjusted Knowledgebase Article Images to Display in Chrome
Due to security enhancements, the images for knowledgebase articles in eSURETY® were not displaying in Chrome. This has been adjusted to allow for these images to load as part of the articles.
16633 – Corrected Pending Bonds Queue Displaying Duplicate Records
When a branch restricted user was assigned to multiple branches, the Pending Bonds queue would list the same bond multiple times, depending on the number of branches assigned to the user. This has been corrected to maintain a single record in the Pending Bonds queue for each referred bond applicable to the user’s branches.
16693 – System Questions Not Retaining History if Multiple Bond Transactions are Passed into TransSync in the same Web Service Call
When a bond has multiple transactions performed on it in between the TransSync web service pull, and system-based questions (Company, People, Generic Obligee) are altered on these transactions; only the current record of these fields would be sent to TransSync. This has been adjusted to send the historical data for each transaction on the bond, regardless of the number of changes to the records in between TransSync pulls.