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7.0.214.x Release Notes

Release Date

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AVOB-321 – CARM Integration Error Logging

Tinubu’s Integration with the Canadian Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) CARM API was updated to include the Bond Id, Account Id, and Bond Action Log Id in addition to error details which are returned from the following API calls: Create eBond, Update eBond, Update eBond Status. This additional logging will be connected to a future CARM queue for errored CARM bonds.

BS-6 – Bond Archive Button

This is a continuation of laying the bond archive groundwork for future functionality. This ticket allows a bond archive button to appear in the standard bond view based on user permissions.

BS-11 – Bond Purge Button

This is a continuation of laying the bond purge groundwork for future functionality. This ticket allows a bond purge button to appear in the standard bond view based on user permissions.

MAOB-151/MAOB-152/MAOB-153 – TSC Direct Bill Payment Portal

  1. A new portal has been added to allow email recipients to process a direct bill payment of credit card or ACH on a new bond and/or renewal.

  2. Users will leverage existing functionality to Create or Update a “Bond Action” Email Template that includes a system overlay field configured for the “TSC Payment Portal”.

    1. Overlay fields can be found at Reference Tables > Templates > Email Templates > Bond Actions Email Templates > edit.

    2. Select fields from “Bond” Variable Category

  3. Overlay fields will be available to be added to email templates that will produce a URL for the email recipients to navigate to the payment portal.

    1. New Fields:

      1. PortalPurchaseQuoteUrl

      2. PortalPurchaseRenewalQuoteUrl

  4. The portal opened from the URLs will display the credit card and/or ACH payment options for the bond according to the billing types enabled for that bond.

  1. If credit card and ACH are not available options, proper messaging will be provided indicating that direct payment is not available.

    1. It is suggested to use this feature in scenario when credit card and/or ACH are available billing options.

  2. If the URL is used after the purchase has already been completed or the quote has already been declined, proper messaging will be shown to guide the user.

  3. The portal will not require login credentials.

  1. Additional overlay fields for email templates are being added to calculate the date for a new bond or renewal’s quote expiration date.

    1. System overlay fields to display the “Expiration Date” for the quote.

      1. QuoteExpirationDate

      2. RenewalQuoteExpirationDate

  2. Payment Portal Screens:

    1. Payment Portal Landing Screen

Electronic Signature Screen

Payment Portal Credit Card Payment Form

Payment Portal ACH Payment Form

WFOB-343 – Ability for Enforcement of Global and Bond Class Limits

  1. Functionality has been updated to create the option of enforcing Single and Aggregate Limits at both the Bond Class and Global level on commercial bonds so that Global Limits are not overridden when Bond Class Limits are entered for commercial bond classes.

    1. In Setup > Settings > System Default >

      1. DefaultCommercialAcctLocType

        1. Selection of “3” will enforce Single and Aggregate Limits at both the Bond Class and Global levels.

      2. DefaultCommercialUserAuthType

        1. Selection of “3” will enforce Single and Aggregate Limits at both the Bond Class and Global levels.

  1. In System Tables > Users > Edit “Active User” > Commercial Authorization Type > single select dropdown list

    1. Selection of “Both” will enforce Single and Aggregate Limits at both the Bond Class and Global levels.

  1. Quick Search > Account Name > Actions > Update LOC > Do Update LOC

    1. Selection of “Both” will enforce both Single and Aggregate Limits at both the Bond Class and Global levels.

WFOB-448 – Enhancement of User Profile Design

The user profile area has been updated to a more informative design than the existing design which the user sees when they hover over their Initials and user role details located within the site’s top header area.

WFOB-471 – Enhancements to Agents Page Banner

The 'Active Agents' list page has been updated to incorporate agency details and positioned to the left within the existing grey bar at the top. Furthermore, the current action links, previously located at the bottom left corner below the grid, are relocated to the banner area with the text links for Add Agent(s)' and 'Inactive Records' transformed into buttons and shifted to the right side of the page banner area.

WFOB-499 – Addition of Difference Value to TransSync Premium Tiers

  1. For the TransSync API feed, an additional field has been added to the PremiumTiers section for each bond transaction to reflect the difference value from the prior transaction to reflect the change that has been made. The field is named TierAmountDifference. It will be presented in the Premium Tiers section:

    1. "PremiumTiers": [{

"CalculationType":"String content",







"TierType":"String content",





AMS-1930 – Fix for Renewal Billing Type

When renewal billing options are different than the default billing options, renewals were not keeping the renewal billing type and were reverting to the default billing type. This has been corrected to allow for the renewal billing type to be different and persist during the renewal processing.

AVI-549 – Modification to Email Templates to Send One Email for each Email Address

When an email template is triggered to be sent, the email template has multiple entities configured to receive emails from it, and if the same email address represented multiple entities that would receive emails; only one email will be sent for each unique email address in the recipient list. This will minimize duplicate, identical emails being sent to each unique email address.

AVI-696 – Adjustment to the Allowed Action Description for Change Obligee Location

The ‘Allow Change Obligee Location’ allowed action’s description has been updated to reflect the effect of the option.

CIN-533 – Prevention of Duplicate Bond Numbers when Bonds Purchased Simultaneously

When multiple bond numbers are purchased at the same time, the bond numbers could potentially be duplicated from the generated bond numbers. This has been adjusted to prevent this duplication.

FCC-828/RREX-396 – Addition of Historical Cancellation Actions for Contract Bonds

The Historical Term Cancellation and Historical Term Flat Cancel actions have been added to be available for contract bonds. Previously, only commercial bonds had these bond actions available.

GRA-285 – Fix for Applicant Change at Renewal Purchase

When purchasing a renewal application on a back-dated bond and if the original bond applicant is changed to another person or company upon submittal of the renewal application the original applicant would return as applicant. This has been corrected to have the new applicant be kept at the Purchase Quote for Renewal action and subsequent actions.

GRA-404/HAN-1466 – Fix Error for Cancellation after Post-Dated PBR with Pro-Rating

When processing a cancellation after a bond purchase and a PBR had been performed with a future dated effective date of action all performed on the same day, the cancellation would trigger an error. This has been corrected to allow for this scenario.

UFS-284 – Correction to Agency Page Save

When editing an agency, the state of the agency’s address would not display after the save. The data would be saved but not shown. This has been corrected to display the state after saving the page.

UFS-327 – Correction to Rejected Bond Application Status to Historical

When a bond application is automatically rejected by an underwriting rule, the Bond Version was set to Referred erroneously. This has been corrected to set the field to Rejected.

WFOB-380 – Adjustment for Overridden Base Premium in Premium Pop-Up

For a bond with overridden premium, the rate displayed in the premium detail pop-up would be the calculated version of the rate but not considering other factors such as multiple pre-paid years in the calculation. This is being adjusted to visualize the rate more accurately.

WFOB-470 – Reactivation of Historically Cancelled Bonds

When a bond has a historical cancellation, the Activate Bonds background job would reset the bond to Active bond standing if the dates of the term are in the past. This has been corrected to adjust the Activate Bonds job to not target bonds with the historical cancellation transactions.

WFOB-476 – Disabling of OFAC Integration Calls for Additional Bond Actions

When using the OFAC integration, calls are made during bond transactions. This has been adjusted to only call the OFAC integration during the ‘Submit New Bond Application’ and ‘Approve New Bond Application’ transactions.



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