7.0.193.x Release Notes
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FUEL-3717 – Additions to the Reporting Warehouse Database
Addition of the Base.Currency table including the following fields:
Name - Name of currency.
Code - Code indicator for the currency.
Culture - localization code for currency.
IsBase - Indicator if currency is the base currency for the system.
Inactive - Indicator if currency is active or inactive.
Addition of the Base.BondAgencyCommissions table including the following fields:
BondTypeId - Id to be linked in the Base.BondTypes table.
AgencyId - Id to be linked in the Base.Agencies table.
Additions to the Base.BondTypes table with the following fields:
PreDateLimit - Limit on bond configurations for prior date effective date from date of application.
PostDateLimit - Limit on bond configurations for future date effective date from date of application.
Additions to the Base.Bonds table with the following fields:
CurrencyId - Id to be linked in the Base.Currency table.
NoRenewal - Indicator if bond is to be a single term bond, if using the single term selection feature on a bond configuration.
DirectBillNumber - Number filled for direct billing custom integrations.
FUEL-3731 – Warning Message for Selection of the Test Agency Checkbox
To prevent unintentional designation of an agency in production as a test agency, a warning message has been added. When a system administrator navigates to All>System Tables>Agencies and selects an existing agency for updating, if the 'Test Agency' box is selected, this message will display:
If the user selects Cancel, the box will be de-selected. Selecting OK, the box remains selected, and the agency will be marked as a Test Agency. This means that when the nightly jobs run, bonds and accounts associated with the agency will be deleted.
HAN-1091 – Order for Tiers of Maintenance and Completion Time Surcharge in TransSync
When using tiered rates for maintenance premium and/or completion time surcharge, the order of the tiers in TransSync has been added to be able to sort the tiers. See the sample of the payload from TransSync for these two fields in the PremiumTiers section:
{ "AccountAdjustment": 0.00000,
"CalculationType": "",
"Id": 1000250,
"Order": 1,
"RateUsed": 2.50000,
"RuleAdjustment": 0.00000,
"TierAmount": 250.00000,
"TierType": "Maintenance",
"TransSyncId": 1000053,
"UnitsInTier": 100.00000},
{ "AccountAdjustment": null,
"CalculationType": "",
"Id": 1000243,
"Order": 1,
"RateUsed": 50.00000,
"RuleAdjustment": null,
"TierAmount": 1200.00000,
"TierType": "TimeSurcharge",
"TransSyncId": 1000053,
"UnitsInTier": 100.00000}
RREX-293 – Removal of Unnecessary Settings from User Interface
The system settings page contained items which are not pertinent to be maintained from the user interface, so these have been hidden to allow for the pertinent settings to be displayed prominently for use.
SKY-211 – Round Premium After Account Modifiers Setting
The RoundPremiumAfterAccountModifiers setting has been added to designate if premium is rounded before or after an account rate modifier and/or an account rate factor is applied to a bond's premium. This setting is located at: All>Setup>Settings>Premium.
AMS-1072 –Fix to Specified Expiration Date Prorating when Overridden
When using a calculated expiration date for a bond configuration and the expiration date of a bond is overridden, the premium is pro-rated to the new bond expiration date for partial year duration.
CIN-394/CIN-415 – Allowed for Prorating after Bonds Issued without Prorating Enabled
When bonds are issued while not using rider/cancellation prorating, an issue was corrected to allow for prorating to be enabled and function properly on these bonds on subsequent transactions.
FCC-336 – Correction of Message for Release of TX Premium Credit
When using TX Premium Credit feature and releasing the premium credit from a bond, the warning message has been corrected for a styling code comment.
FCC-353 – Greying Out of TX Premium Credit Fields Until Feature is Enabled
When updating TX Premium Credit, the Release Premium Credit, Premium Credit Amount, and Premium Credit Percent fields are greyed out until the Premium Credit Eligible field has been checked.
HAN-1131 – Adjusted Push to Renewal for Applicant Changes
When an applicant is changed during a rider on the current term of a bond and the changes are pushed to renewal, the changes will now be reflected on the renewal bond.
Also, if a bond configuration has only person questions or only company questions, this has been corrected to allow for this type of configuration in the pushing of changes to renewals. This would already operate correctly when both person and company questions are asked.
OLR-583 – Fixed RunETL Background Job Performance
When handling high volumes of information, the RunETL background job has been adjusted for better performance to alleviate timeout occurrences of the job.
SKY-250 – Corrected Experian API Error when Pulling New Credit Report with Update People and Companies Account Transaction
When processing an Update People and Companies account transaction, and selecting to pull a new credit report for a person record, the transaction would process but not have a successful credit report pulled in. This issue has been corrected to allow for these credit reports to be pulled.
UFS-254 – Adjusted Integer Overlays from Displaying Decimals
When using the BondTypes_RenewalNoticePeriod, BondTypes_CancelationNoticePeriod, or DaysToRenewalQuoteExpiration overlay fields in system page messages or email templates, the value from these fields have been adjusted to display only the whole number value without decimal spaces following the number.
WEB-495 – Adjusted Renewal Effective Date for Specified Expiration Date Bonds
When a bond configuration has a specified expiration date setup, and the system is configured to add 1 day to expirations (see setting at: All>Setup>Settings>Premium>AddDaysToExpiration); specified expiration date bonds would renew with the effective date of the renewal to be the day following the expiration date of the current term of the bond. This has been adjusted so that the effective date of renewals will be the same day as the expiration date of the current term of the bond.
WEB-523 – Corrected Renewal Process Evaluating Commercial Line Used
When processing commercial bond renewal applications, the account contract line used would be evaluated instead of the commercial line used. This has been corrected to evaluate the proper line for the respective bond family.