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7.0.191.x Release Notes

Release Date

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FUEL-2099 – Display of Company or Person Tiles if Names are not Asked on Rider

If a system administrator removed the rider life cycles from the Person on Bond first and last name questions or the Company on Bond name question, the person and/or company tiles no longer displayed the information when the user was processing the NPBR or PBR action.

This has now been changed to display the names although these will not be editable.

FUEL-2855 – Upgrade Experian API to Allow Credit Pull During Auto Renewal Process

  • When using the Experian API integration and if a bond configuration was set to require a credit score at renewal but also coded as auto renew, the credit report was not being pulled. That has been corrected and the credit report will be included during the nightly auto renewal. This is specific to clients using Experian API, not clients using Experian NetConnect.

    • NOTE: The Experian API integration is a new option provided by Experian. Per communications from Experian, the NetConnect integration will eventually be deprecated, and the Experian API integration will be the replacement. Clients using Experian NetConnect should consider changing to Experian API. However, we do not have a published date for when NetConnect would be deprecated.

SCP-114 – Ability to Reassign Referred Renewals for Approval

If a renewal has been configured to refer or refers if certain rules are not met, the user now can reassign that renewal application to another user for approval in the same manner as new bond applications. The user would select the action of Reassign Referral from the Action menu.

This would be followed by the Do Reassign Referral action. Expand the bond information section and select the user to which the renewal bond should be referred. Clicking Reassign Referral to complete the process.

UFS-79 – Enhancement to Duplicate Person/Company Rule Messaging

The Duplicate Person and Duplicate Company rules have been enhanced where the entity that is triggering the referral gives further detail on the record that matched the new entry. The name of the existing entities is named with the duplicate field (EMAIL, SSN, FEIN, NAME) that was matched and the account number from which the existing entity originates.


CIN-359 – Corrected Page Reload for Credit Card or ACH Payment Fields

When refreshing a browser tab or window which has loaded the credit card or ACH payment fields for SureLYNX applications, the data entry fields for both credit cards and ACH would display disrupting the payment process. This has been corrected to ensure the proper fields are displayed after a browser refresh.

FUEL-3191 – Fixed New Sub-Agency Commission on Renewal Applications

Agencies can be wholesalers (Parents) for agency type and have associated sub-agencies (Children). Those sub-agencies have a commission assigned as a portion of the total commission amount, that stays consistent with the lifecycle of the bond. If, prior to bond renewal that sub agency commission was changed, it was not updating on the renewal. That has now been corrected.

HAN-983 – Fixed Commission from Maintenance Premium if Maintenance Penalty Exceeds Contract Amount

When the maintenance penalty amount exceeds the contract amount for the bond (penalty) the commission calculated from the maintenance premium would only be calculated up to the maintenance premium based on the contract amount instead of the maintenance penalty. This has been adjusted, so that if the maintenance penalty exceeds the contract amount, the commission amount is calculated on the full maintenance premium.

HAN-996 – Corrected Override This Version Only on Renewal Applications

  • When a renewal application has an override adjust to ‘Override This Version Only’, the override designation would not hold for the renewal application and subsequent transactions. This has been corrected to maintain this designation for this renewal application and subsequent transactions on this version of the bond.

    • NOTE: Once the renewal has promoted and new renewal application is submitted, this override will reset to ‘Not Overridden’ appropriately.

HAN-1086 – Corrected Renewals when Adding a Company and using a Personal Credit Score Rule

When a renewal application has a company record added to it and the renewal application requires a personal credit score, an error would occur. This has been corrected to allow for the company to be added and the personal credit score would be pulled from any person records on the renewal application appropriately.

PAL-192 – Fixed Email Delivery when the Email Template uses a Date Type Field when the Email is Triggered by a System Background Job

When an email template is configured with a date type field and the email is triggered to be sent because of a transaction made by a background job (i.e.: AutoRenewals, ExpirePromote, etc.), the background job would fail to send the email template. This has been adjusted to allow for the background job to process and send the appropriate emails from the email template.

STG-28 – Allowance for SureLYNX Bonds to have the AIF Changed

On bonds applied for through SureLYNX, the Attorney-In-Fact (AIF) is automatically selected for the bond application. However, the AIF is not allowed to be changed on subsequent transactions such as renewal or PBR. This has been modified to allow for appropriate users to change the AIF on SureLYNX bonds.

WEB-59 – Corrected Error for RebuildAzureIndexes Background Job

The RebuildAzureIndexes background job occasionally errored from a timeout issue. This has been corrected to allow for the job to run successfully.

WEB-426 – Fixed Bid Bond Conversion Error

When a bid bond conversion asks additional user-created person or company questions on the bond configuration’s applications, an error would occur on the bid bond conversion transaction. This has been corrected to allow the bid bond conversion if there are additional user-created questions for people or companies on the application.



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