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7.0.187.x Release Notes

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AMS-786 – Removed Next Renewal Billing Type from Non-Renewable Bonds

For no renewal bond configurations, the Next Renewal Billing Type has been removed from the billing type selections.

AVOB-84 – Ability to Keep Responsible Underwriter During the Referral Reassignment

  • A new system setting has been implemented that allows the system to determine whether the responsible underwriter should not be changed if the bond needs to be reassigned for approval. Currently, if a bond is reassigned for approval, the responsible underwriter is changed to be the same as the underwriter to whom the bond was re-assigned.

  • To change this, go to All: Setup>Settings>SystemDefault and change the ReassignBondForApprovalOnly setting to True.

NOTE: The setting will be delivered as False.

AVOB-115 – Sortable Columns for Choose Agency Search Results

The columns on the Choose Agency page when submitting an account or bond application are now sortable alphabetically when clicking on the top column header.

FUEL-2327 – Ability to Add an Indexable Question Group to an Account Application

  • System administrators can now update account applications to add indexable question groups and have these properly display for entry after an account has already been submitted, prior to the addition of said question group.

  • The question group can be added in the standard manner. However, when a user accesses an existing account that was entered before that question group was added to the account, they would need to update the information. This is done by going to Actions > Update Info > Do Update Info.

  • Scroll to the new question group and add in the required information and submit. Each entry needs to be added and submitted individually.

FUEL-2621 – Failed Background Job Email Template for Individual Jobs

Previously, the Background Job Failed email template was limited to sending one email within a one-hour period. Consequently, this caused emails not to be sent if additional jobs failed with the one-hour period after a failed job. This has been adjusted to only send one email within the one-hour period for each different background job. If different jobs were to fail within the one-hour period, each distinct background job that failed would have an email sent.

SCP-77 – Home Screen Accounts Table

  • A new Accounts Table will now be displayed on the home screen. The screen is an automatic display for any user that is an assigned underwriter to an account. The grid will only display accounts for that user.

  • If the LOC has an expiration date within 30 days from the current date, that date will display in red so that the user knows the account may need review. Should commercial and contract LOC both be applicable, the expiration date defaults to the earlier of the two dates.

  • Clicking on the account name will direct the user to the account and clicking on the current exposure will direct the user to the list of bonds within the account. In addition, accounts can be filtered by branches as well as by bond family. Bond family represents bonds issued on the account, not the account type.

SCP-82 – Added Account Contract LOC Expiration Date to Reporting Warehouse Database

When the ETL background job is executed via the Surety Carrier application, the contract line of credit expiration date is populated to the data warehouse. Previously only the commercial line of credit expiration date was available within the data warehouse. Data column added is: Base.Accounts.ContractLocExpirationDate.

SCP-86 – Ability to Delete Projects from WIP Statements

  • Entries on both the current and historical WIP’s can now be deleted.

  • Simply access the Financial > Work in Progress and select the tab you want to update. This can be either the WIP Input, Pending WIP Input or any historical tab.

  • Right click on the line number for the entry you wish to delete and select the Delete option. The entry is removed but also needs to be saved by clicking the Save > Save to Server option. When that is selected, user will receive a warning message before continuing. If the Save option is not selected, the job will re-appear if the WIP is exited and returned to.

  • Step 1: Right click on entry; select the delete Option:

Step 2: Select Save to Server > Click OK.

Entry is removed:


AMS-700 – Corrected Total Premium Rule to Use Additional Fee Amount in Evaluation

When using the Total Premium system rule and a bond has any additional fees applied to it, the rule would not include the additional fees in the total premium amount for the rule decision. This has been corrected to include the additional fees in the evaluation of this system rule.

AMS-845 – Adjusted the Effective Date of Action to Update if Effective or Expiration Dates are Changed

When a bond’s effective date or expiration date would be edited and as a result the existing effective date of action would be outside of the bond term’s dates, there would be no error or alert for the user and the transaction would be able to be completed. This has been changed so that the effective date of action will adjust automatically if changes to the effective date or expiration date of the bond term set the effective date of action outside of the new term dates. The effective date of action will be set to the effective date of the bond term if its date is prior to the new bond term dates, and it will be set to the expiration date of the bond term if its date is after the new bond term dates.

AMS-976/FCC-591 – Corrected Bond Type Minimum Premium for Term Bonds with Specified Expiration Date When Using Rider Pro-Rating

When canceling a bond with a bond type minimum premium, the bond type is term, the bond type uses a specified expiration date, and the system is configured to use rider pro-rating; the bond type minimum premium would not be respected by the pro-rated calculation of the cancellation if the calculation was less than the bond type minimum premium. This has been corrected to continue to enforce the bond type minimum premium in this scenario.

AVI-467 – Changed Additional Fees in Commission Calculation

  • When using Additional Fees on a bond, some fees can be part of the commission calculation. When overriding the additional fees, which can have multiple fees added together, the commission calculation would not change and would continue to calculate the commission as if the additional fees were not overridden. This has been adjusted to only include additional fees in the commission calculation if the fees are not overridden. If they are overridden, the commission will not calculate based off the amount in the additional fees. If additional commission needs to be entered because of additional fees, the commission will need to be overridden and calculated manually.

  • An additional message will be displayed if the additional fees are overridden alerting the user that the commission will no longer calculate from the additional fees.

AVI-472/UFS-245 – Adjusted Email Recipients to Send to User who Entered Transaction

For email templates configured to be sent to the user who entered the bond, this designation has been changed to send the email to the user who enters the specific transaction that causes the email to be sent. The label for this field has been updated to represent this functionality.

FCC-546 – Removed Inactive Bond Types from Assign Bonds to Agency Page

If a bond type or its bond class or bond category are inactivated, these records are removed from the assigned bonds to agencies page. This is located at: All>System Tables>Agencies> (Commercial or Contract) Assign Bonds.

FUEL-2704 – Corrected Additional Fee Dropping with Approve NPBR Bond Action

  • If an additional fee was in use on a bond type, it was being removed during the Approve NPBR bond action. This has been fixed to allow for the fee to remain constant during the Approve NPBR bond action.

  • NOTE: The Approve NPBR can only be used if there are rules on the NPBR lifecycle that refers the NPBR. If the NPBR is submitted and it auto-approves, this scenario does not apply.

GRA-174 – Fixed Address Entry when Using ‘Enter’ Key for Address Suggestions

When selecting a suggested address with arrow keys and hitting the ‘Enter’ key, the word ‘Enter’ would be added to the address field. This has been corrected to allow for the ‘Enter’ key to select the suggested address.

OLR-448 – Corrected Emails Sent to New Responsible Underwriter

When a bond transaction changes the responsible underwriter and an email template is configured to be sent to the responsible underwriter, the email would be sent to the prior responsible underwriter. This has been corrected to send the email to the newly set responsible underwriter.

RREX-178 – Removed Code Comment from Recent Bonds Search Tooltip

A text comment in the recent bonds search tooltip over the bond tracking number has been removed.



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