7.0.176.x Release Notes
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FUEL-1165 – GetUsers and GetAgents APIs
The GetUsers API has been added to provide information on users. The call can have filters applied for branch restricted, active/inactive user, or their security role name.
A sample request would be:
{"Inactive": true,
"SecurityRoleName": “Admin”,
"BranchRestricted": true
}A sample response would be:
{"ID": "",
"Message": "Users Found: 1",
"Success": true,
"UserDTOs": [
{"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"DateCreated": "/Date(1629223317000+0000)/",
"Email": "support@e-surety.net",
"FirstName": "eSurety",
"Inactive": true,
"LastName": "Support",
"MiddleName": null,
"MobilePhone": null,
"Password": null,
"State": null,
"UserName": "esuretySync",
"WorkPhone": "904-395-1610",
"WorkPhoneExtension": null,
"Zip": null,
"BranchCode": null,
"BranchId": null,
"BranchRestricted": false,
"BranchUpdateBehaviour": 1,
"CommercialAuthorityLevelId": 1,
"ContractAuthorityLevelId": 2,
"SecurityRoleDescription": "Administrators",
"SecurityRoleId": 1,
"SecurityRoleName": "Admin",
"Wholesaler": false
The GetAgents API has been added to provide information on agents. The call can have filters applied for attorney-in-fact, active/inactive user, or the agency code.
A sample request would be:
{"Inactive": false,
"AgencyCode": null,
"AttorneyInFact": null
}A sample response would be:
{"ID": "",
"Message": "Users Found: 1",
"Success": true,
"AgentsDTOs": [
{“Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"DateCreated": "/Date(1462351661993+0000)/",
"Email": "testagent@test.com",
"FirstName": "Test",
"Inactive": false,
"LastName": "Agent",
"MiddleName": null,
"MobilePhone": null,
"Password": null,
"State": null,
"UserName": "TestAgent",
"WorkPhone": null,
"WorkPhoneExtension": null,
"Zip": null,
"AgencyCode": "TEST",
"AgencyId": 500000,
"AttorneyInFact": false,
"IsAllAgent": false,
"IsProducerOfRecord": false,
"PcLicense": null,
"ProducerCode": null,
"SecurityRoleDescription": "Agent",
"SecurityRoleId": 2,
"SecurityRoleName": "Agent"
FUEL-2384 – Bond Import Process to Allow Account Imports as part of the BondImportETL Background Job
Accounts can be imported during the BondImportEtl background job. The current implementation disallows for accounts to be imported. The control for behavior is a flag called DoingFullImport. When running this job manually from the eSURETY® application, DoingFullImport can be entered in the Additional Info input while submitting the BondImportEtl background job. Submitting the BondImportEtl job without the DoingFullImport flag will allow accounts to be imported.
A new endpoint has been created named LaunchBondImportStandardETL which functions the same as the existing LaunchBondImportETL except that the DoingFullImport flag noted above is not passed. DoingFullImport will be passed with the LaunchBondImportETL API call.
NOTE: With the LoadImportBonds API call, accounts can be loaded with bonds. However, people and companies on the account objects in LoadImportBonds will not be associated to the related bond records. People and companies loaded directly on the bond object will be loaded as part of the account object as well when using the LaunchBondImportStandardETL API call or running the BondImportEtl with the DoingFullImport value passed in the additional info for the job.
FUEL-1489 – Fixed the Removal of Bond Actions Assigned to Configuration Documents after Editing
When editing existing document templates assigned to a bond configuration that have an assigned bond action to the document template (not just the lifecycle), the assigned bond action would be removed after editing the assigned document template. This has been corrected to maintain the bond action assignment to the document template after editing the record.
FUEL-2288 – Corrected Dropping of Account Type User-Defined People or Company Answers during Bond Application
When using a user-defined person or company question from an account application which is answered during a bond application, the answer would be dropped on the account. This has been corrected to retain the answer to the question on the account.
FUEL-2374 – Fixed Refer Next Renewal for Commission Rate Override
When configuring a bond to have an overridden commission rate and selecting the override option of ‘Refer Next Renewal’, the bond would not be flagged for referral when a renewal application would be processed. This has been adjusted to ensure that bonds with this override option selected for commission rate will refer to underwriting.
FUEL-2375 – Added Adjustment of Agency Remittance and Wholesaler Commission Amount for Recalculate Button
When performing a premium bearing transaction, the Recalculate button has been modified to include adjustments to the Agency Remittance and Wholesaler Commission Amount fields with updated values due to changes made to the bond’s premium fields.
FUEL-2392 – Corrected BondPremiumDifference Field in TransSync to Include County Tax Amount in the Difference Value
The BondPremiumDifference field in the BeginGetBondTransactions API call (TransSync) has been adjusted to include the difference of the prior transaction’s value to the current transaction’s value for the county tax amount.