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7.0.171.x Release Notes

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FUEL-1273 – Bid Bonds with Future Effective Dates Added to Account LOC Limits

  • If bid bonds are issued with a future effective date, the account’s LOC contract limits are updated with the bid amount from the bond.

    • NOTE: This only applies if the ExcludeBidFromLoc setting is set to False (located at: All>Setup>Settings>System Default>ExcludeBidFromLoc).

FUEL-1290 – New Custom Fields for Account and Bond Import Custom Fields

  • The custom fields for the account and bond import APIs have been expanded from 75 to 200 custom fields. This applies for the following field types:

    • Account questions

    • Account people questions

    • Account company questions

    • Bond questions

    • Bond people questions

    • Bond company questions

FUEL-2086 – Maintenance Rate and Maintenance Years Added to Bond Import API

  • The MaintenanceRateId and MaintenanceYears field have been added to the Bond Import API for contract bonds.

    • NOTE: Please contact eSURETY® Support for a list of the maintenance rate IDs needed for the import.


FUEL-1429 – Fixed Company Names Containing Apostrophes

The company name field was limited from being able to have apostrophes as part of the name entry. This has been adjusted to allow for apostrophes.

FUEL-2089 – Corrected Bond Actions Available for Rejected Bond Applications After a Requote Action

  • After a new bond application has been requoted and subsequently rejected, the available bond actions for this scenario allowed for the bond application to be purchased. This has been corrected so that the bond application would remain in the rejected status.

    • NOTE: Rejected bond applications do correctly have the available bond action of ‘Approve New Bond Application’ so that rejected applications can be recovered.

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