7.0.169.x Release Notes
Release Date |
FUEL-507 – Premium Credit Option
The ‘Allow access to TX premium credit field/action’ allowed action has been added to allow for recording a premium credit for contract bonds.
This allowed action enables an additional action in the ‘Actions’ dropdown menu.
When processing this transaction, the ‘Premium Credit Eligible’ section will appear on the screen below the ‘Premium section. The user must first activate the feature by checking the ‘Premium Credit Eligible’ checkbox. Once checked the user can edit the additional three fields associated to the feature to record these values.
NOTE: These fields will be added to TransSync in an upcoming release for processing this data into backend systems as needed.
FUEL-1318 – Log of SSO Login
Additional logging has been added to ensure records are kept of users logging in using SSO type login procedures.
FUEL-1329 – Carrier Logo and Carrier Address Image
Additional image fields have been added for carriers to hold images for a carrier logo and a carrier address image.
These fields can be used in overlay fields to be printed on generated documents. These are located at: All>Reference Tables>Overlay Fields>System Overlay Fields>Bond (Variable Category).
FUEL-1366 – Change Agency Allowed Action
The ‘Allow user to change agency code’ allowed action created to be used for user roles to allow or disallow a specific user role from changing agency during transactions that already allow the change agency (PBR, Submit Renewal Application).
This allowed action will be delivered as True which will continue prior functionality. Clients can adjust this allowed action for the desired user roles.
FUEL-1388 – Rule to Refer Account Application when the User is the Responsible Underwriter
The ‘Underwriter Not Current User’ system decision rule has been added to refer account application when the assigned responsible underwriter is the user entering the application.
NOTE: This rule is designed to only be used on account type application templates.
FUEL-1434 – Account Actions to Edit Account on Referred Account Application
Referred account applications have additional actions available to be able to edit the account information prior to approval of the account while maintaining the account in a referred status.