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7.0.162.x Release Notes

Release Date


FUEL-1172 – Account Import API Updated to include Account Custom Fields

  • When importing accounts, the API can bring in up to 75 custom fields to answer user-defined questions attached to account applications.

    • Please contact eSURETY® Support for assistance in mapping these custom fields in the Account Import API to the needed user-defined questions.

FUEL-1234 – Obligee Name Field Length increased to a Character Limit of 256

  • The Obligee Name field has been increased to allow for 256 characters at all points in the system. This includes:

    • Creating and editing a new Obligee (All>System Tables>Obligees).

    • Entries for the Generic Obligee Name question field.

    • Name field for the Obligee Import API.

    • Generic Obligee Name for the Bond Import API.

    • Obligee Name and Generic Obligee Name in the reporting database.

    • Obligee Name in the TransSync (BeginGetBondTransactions) API.

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