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7.0.151.x Release Notes

Release Date


21385 – Bond Import API Improvements

  • Added functionality to create auto-generated accounts for imported bonds if the accounts are not provided in the API request. To send a request that auto-generates the account, ensure that the references to an Account Number on all related sheets (i.e. Bonds, People, Companies) are left blank in the API call.

  • Ensured import process will not create duplicate company records when importing multiple bond actions for a single bond under the same Company Name and Account Number. For properly sending multiple bond actions for a single bond make sure the GuidId field has a unique entry for every action on the bond, as well as ensuring the same field on the Companies page matches for each reference of the company.


21373 – Corrected Backwards Compatible TransSync call for BverExpireDate when NULL

When a bond was processed without an Expiration Date, such as for continuous contract bonds, the BeginRetrieveCompanyBondTransactions API call would auto fill the field in TransSync with the date 01/01/00. This adjustment has the field treated the same as other fields which are NULL: it will be ignored by the request and left out of the API response.

21488 – Adjusted Ability to Reassign a Referred Account for Approval

When an account application is referred, the ‘Reassign Referral' action has been corrected to allow changes to the ‘Reassign To’ field so the user is able to send the referral to another underwriter.

21546 – Azure Performance Fix

Made adjustments for the speed and functioning of the bond application and bond transactions processes for improved performance of page loading.

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