7.0.144.x Release Notes
Release Date |
18684 – Canadian Address Validation Option
Address validation has been expanded to Canadian addresses. For adding the functionality, please contact the eSURETY® Support team. As delivered, the address functionality will continue to process as before. If adjusted, the country field will be added to the address fields. This can be set to default to United States or Canada.
19104 – User Experience Enhancements
User Menu
User menu has been adjusted to include basic user information, the help articles, full screen/windowed mode toggle, logout button.
Bond Page
The individual sections of the bond page have been segmented into defined margins.
Account Page
The individual sections of the account page have been segmented into defined margins.
Maintain Bond > Configure Bond Page
The individual sections of the Maintain Bond > Configure page have been segmented into defined margins.
Maintain Bond > Assign Agency Page
The bulk assignment section is adjusted to not show the override values unless the check box for the section is marked. This applies to the “Override agency defaults with values below” or “Use Tiered Commissions” checkboxes.
UAT Site Notification
The UAT notification has been expanded to be across the top of the site.
19976 – Agency Mismatch System Rule
The Agency Mismatch system rule has been added to flag bond actions for bonds that pertain to a different agency than the agency for the bond’s account.
The rule is configured to “= False” to refer the bond transaction if the bond agency and the account agency do not match each other.
15410 – Fixed MFA Verification Text Message Option
The Multi-Factor Authentication via text messaging option has been corrected to properly process the request and send the appropriate message.