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7.0.142.x Release Notes

Release Date


19843 – Setting to Remove Estimated Completion Date from Bid Bonds

  • The BidBondEstimatedCompletionDate setting has been added to remove the estimated completion date from bid bond applications and subsequent actions on the bond. This setting is located at: All>Setup>Settings>SystemDefaults.

  • This setting is delivered off and would need to be changed for it to take effect.


19771 – Corrected Send Approval Conditions Action for Renewals

An error would occur when performing the Send Approval Conditions bond action for renewals. This action has been corrected to process correctly.

19957 – Fixed InitiateCancelNoRenewalBonds Background Job to Use Proper Cancellation Dates

When using the Single Term Selection feature for a configuration, and a bond is set to use the Single-Term option, and the bond has a prior cancellation which has been reinstated; the InitiateCancelNoRenewalBonds background job would set the new cancellation’s dates to the prior cancellation’s dates. This has been adjusted to properly set the initiate cancellation date to the current date, and the final cancellation date to the properly calculated date according to the configuration’s cancellation notice period.

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