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7.0.134.x Release Notes

Release Date


10961 – Custom Fields for Reporting Data

  • The AccountPeople and AccountCompanies tables have been added to the reporting database to link people records to their corresponding accounts.

  • Tables have been added to the reporting database to allow for custom question fields to be added to the reporting database. These tables will allow both bond and account type questions to be added. Please contact eSURETY® Support for assistance in adding any custom questions to your reporting database.

19178 – Database Maintenance Background Job

The RunMaintenanceSp background job has been added to improve database performance. This will be scheduled weekly to be run on Sundays.


19189 – Fixed Bid Bond Conversion to Refer Conversions when Final Bond Breaches Account LOC

When using the DisableContractQuotes setting and converting a bid bond to a final bond and the final bond exceeds the account’s LOC limits, the final bond would be quoted rather than referred. This has been corrected to refer bid bond conversions that exceed the account’s LOC limits.

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