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7.0.132.x Release Notes

Release Date


15447 – Attachments Web Service

  • The GetAttachments web service has been added to the eSURETY® API. A web service call can be made to download attachments from bonds and accounts within a date range provided in the web service request.

  • The Begin Date will be required. If the End Date is not sent, the call will pull all attachments up to the current date.

  • An additional field may be passed for Security Id. If passed in, the web service will filter the attachments within the date range to those entered by users with that particular the security role id.

15448 – Bond Documents Web Service

  • The GetBondDocuments web service has been added to the eSURETY® API. A web service call can be made to download generated bond documents within a date range provided in the web service request.

  • The Begin Date will be required. If the End Date is not sent, the call will pull all bond documents up to the current date.

15543 – Drag and Drop File Uploading

File uploads can be added by dragging and dropping the file into the upload area.

NOTE: The prior manner of uploading files will continue to function as before.

17520 – Allow Formulas to be Entered on Excel Templates

For financial statements and WIPs, Excel type formulas can be entered into fields and will calculate properly.

NOTE: Only the results of the formula will be kept in the field after entry.

18077 – Timeout Settings for Background Jobs

  • The JobTimeoutMinutes setting has been added to stop a background job from continuing to run after the number of minutes entered into this setting. If a background job reaches this time duration, it will complete the current transaction being processed and then will stop. The following time the background job is run, it will continue with the bond transactions that were not completed previously.

  • The JobBatchMaxBatches setting has been added to limit the number of batches that can be processed for a background job that is configured for batches. If a background job is configured to process batches of ten bonds at a time, the background job will only run ten times the number of batches determined in this setting.

    • NOTE: Currently the only background job configured for batching is AutoRenewals.

  • These settings are located at: All>Setup>Settings>Service.

18434 – Auto Renewals Stopped when Renewal has already been Rejected, Declined, or Cancelled

  • For bonds which have had one of the following actions taken on a renewal, the renewal will not be processed again with the Auto Renewals background job:

    • Rejected Referred Renewal Application

    • Decline Renewal Quote

    • Cancel Renewal

  • If a renewal is subsequently desired for the bond after any of these actions are taken, the renewal will need to be processed by a user manually.

  • NOTE: This limitation is only for the version of the bond that is being rejected, declined, or cancelled. Subsequent versions of the bond will continue to auto-renew according to the configuration setup.

18553 – Agency Code Added to Agency Dropdown in Submit an Account

The agency code has been added to the agency selection dropdown when submitting a new account.

18778 – Bid Bond Conversion Subject to Account LOC Limits

The bid bond conversion transaction has been modified to adhere to the account line of credit (LOC) limitations, including the single and aggregate limits, and LOC expiration date.


18315 – Corrected Referred Account Application to Retain Credit Report

When a new account was submitted which required a credit report, but the account application is referred; the credit report was not being retained as part of the person’s record. This has been corrected to retain the credit report regardless of the application referral or acceptance.

18759 – Adjusted Premium Override to Include Maintenance Premium, Completion Time Surcharge, and Retainage Amount Fee

When overriding the base premium for a contract bond, any additional premium values (maintenance premium, completion time surcharge, retainage amount) would not be overridden and would continue to be added to the premium. This has been adjusted to have any overridden premiums include these fields as part of the overridden base premium amount.

18761 – Fixed Push Changes to Renewal Feature for Rider Changes

When a rider has been done on a renewal, and a subsequent rider is done to the current version of the bond and is pushed to the renewal, any differences between the bond and the renewal would be adjusted on the renewal. This has been adjusted to only push the current changes made on the bond to the renewal, keeping all other fields on the renewal as they were previously.

18952 – Corrected Contract Billing Types Use when Contract Quotes are Disabled

When disabling contract quotes, the billing type used would be from the agency default commercial billing types. This has been corrected to use the contract billing types when applicable.

18960 – Fixed InitiateCancelNoRenewalBonds Job to Target Cancellation Notice Period

  • The InitiateCancelNoRenewalBonds background job had been using the renewal notice period to determine when to initiate cancellations for Single Term bonds.

    • NOTE: This background job only pertains to configurations using the Allow Single Term Selection configuration setting.

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