7.0.131.x Release Notes
Release Date |
18187 – Bond Number Prefix and Suffix Separation for Manual Entry
The BondOverrideIncludePrefixSuffix setting has been added to allow for the bond number prefix and suffix to be added when entering a bond number manually. This setting is located at: All > Setup > Settings > User Interface > BondOverrideIncludePrefixSuffix.
This will retain the prefix and suffix values and will be available in TransSync as distinct fields:
The ETLBondNumberBaseNumber setting has been added to separate the true bond number from the prefix and suffix fields in TransSync. When this setting is enabled, the TransSync.BondNumber field will only include the number portion of the bond number, and the prefix and suffix will be in their separate corresponding fields. This setting is located at: All > Setup > Settings > Import Export > ETLBondNumberBaseNumber.
18539 – Attachments Information added to Reporting Database
The attachments information has been added to the reporting database with the following fields:
LastModified (Date)
18552 – Distinct Contract Commission Rates added to Agencies Web Service
The contract commission rates for agencies have been added to the AddAgency, UpdateAgency, and AddUpdateAgency web service calls:
18585 – State Surcharge and Taxes to Calculate from Base Premium, Maintenance Premium, and Completion Time Surcharge
The TaxCompletionAndMaintenance setting has been added to include the base premium, maintenance premium, and completion time surcharge as part of the calculation for the state surcharge and tax calculation fields. This setting is located at: All > Setup > Settings > Premium > TaxCompletionAndMaintenance.
17907 – Removed Inactive Excel Templates from the Account Page
When setting default excel templates for an account, inactive excel templates have been removed from the selection dropdown list.
18186 – Limited Find Account Search to not Duplicate Results
When searching for accounts by company name, and the account contains more than one company that matches the search entry; the search grid previously displayed the same account multiple times for as many companies match the search entry. This has been corrected to display the account only once, even when multiple companies within that same account match the search entry.
18562 – Clearing of Question Cache after Copy Bond
When copying bond configurations, the question cache for the newly created configuration was not being cleared. This has been adjusted to ensure the question cache is cleared for the new configuration after the copy process.
18724 – Addition of IsAllAgent to Agents Web Service
The IsAllAgent field has been added to the AddAgency, UpdateAgency, and AddUpdateAgency web service calls.