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7.0.126.x Release Notes

Release Date


15465 – Secured Action to Prevent Changes to the Effective Date of Action

The ‘Allow Change Effective Date of Action’ secured action has been added to enable or disable a user role from being able to edit the Effective Date of Action field for bond transactions. This is located at: All>System Tables>Authority Levels>User Roles. Select ‘Actions’ for the desired user role.

16870 – Secured Action for Fixed Penalty Changes

The ‘Allow Edit Fixed Penalty Rider’ secured action has been added to allow or disallow user roles to edit the penalty amount for a bond (when premium/penalty changes are

17626 – Setting to Allow WIP Updates from Premium Bearing Riders

The ContractPenaltyChangeBehavior setting has been added to automate adjustments to a bond’s contract amount when adjusted with a premium bearing rider, if desired. The setting will be delivered with DoNothing in the value field. It can be changed to UpdateWipProject to have the WIP project record updated with the change, or UpdateIntermimAmount to update the Interim Amount on the WIP statement.

17778 – Obligee Mailing Address Zip Code Added to TransSync

  • The obligee mailing address zip code has been added to TransSync as the following object:

    • ObligeeMailingPostalCode

18083 – Method to Regenerate Documents in Bulk

A method has been developed to assist in regenerating documents in bulk for making corrections to documents already produced. This method can target a group or range of bond transactions to have the documents regenerated with any changes made to the document template since the original documents were produced. Please contact eSURETY® Support for assistance with any requests for this.


16212 – Adjusted SureLYNX™ Pages for Browser Refreshes

When refreshing a SureLYNX™ in a browser, the user interfaces could experience some display issues. This has been corrected to allow for the page to be refreshed without the display being altered.

16501 – Corrected Blank Address Questions from Displaying a Comma

When an optional address question was not answered, a comma would display in the field from the comma pertaining to the ‘City, State’ portion of the address. This has been corrected to only add the comma to answered address questions.

17411 – Added Asterisks to Required Premium Rate Definition Questions

Questions from premium rate definitions appear on the initial bond information page. Asterisks have been added to indicate the requirement of these to be answered.

17766 – Allowed for AIF Changes on Bid Bond Conversion

When converting a bid bond to a final, any changes made to the attorney-in-fact for the bond was not saved. This has been corrected to keep the changes made during the conversion process.

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