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6.1.96.x Release Notes

Release Date


5330 – Added Confirmation Page for Decline Quotes Action

A confirmation page has been added to the decline quote action. Users can confirm the action prior to submitting and add any desired notes for the bond action.

5587 – Added Columns to Pending Renewals Queue

  • The following columns have been added to the Pending Renewals queue:

    • Branch – from the bond’s agency

    • Lead Time – The bond configuration’s renewal notice period

    • Expiration Date

  • The State column has also been corrected to populate with the bond’s state field.

5907 – Login Timeout Warning

Users receive a login timeout warning message with the time remaining in their login session. Opening a new page or clicking on ‘Continue’ within the message will reset the timer for the login session.

The login session timer is displayed in the User Profile in the top right corner of the application.

6992 – Increased Attachment Size Allowance

Previously attachments for bonds and accounts were limited to 4 MB. This limit has been increased to support up to 10 MB.

7778 – Added Functionality to have Multiple Lines within a Text Area Field

For Text Area type fields, multiple text lines can now be entered using the <Enter> key. These will be shown within the editable field, on the bond page, and on documents using the field’s overlay.

NOTE: Ensure to format the overlay field on the document template to allow for multi-line entries.

8548 – Ability to Change Agency for Bonds and Accounts

Bonds and accounts can now be changed to pertain to another agency. This function can be performed on bonds with the ‘Premium Bearing Rider’, ‘Renewal PBR’, and “Submit Renewal Application’ actions. For accounts, this can be done with the ‘Update LOC’ action.

When selecting the change agency feature, a pop-up window will appear prompting the user to find the new agency. As the user types, the field will search for agencies whose names contain the text entered.

When performing a change agency on a bond, this will automatically update the agency for the account as well, but not any other bonds associated to the account. The distinction can also be made on the renewal versus the current version of the bond, so only the renewal and subsequent versions of the bond pertain to the new agency.

9727 – Background Job to Clear Incomplete Bond and Account Applications

  • A new background job has been added to clear incomplete bond and account applications. These are found in the search queues: ‘Incomplete Bond Applications’ and ‘Incomplete Account Applications’.

  • The background job is controlled by a system setting to control how many days an incomplete application should remain in the system. This is located at: All> Setup> Settings> Service> RetainIncompleteApplications. Once an applications’ creation date is beyond the number of days in the setting, it is removed from the system. This system setting will be set to 24 days upon delivery.

    • NOTE: This background job will be scheduled to be run nightly.

11102 – Added Setting to Default Grid Sorting from Most Recent to Oldest

  • A system setting has been added to default sorting to be from most recent to oldest for the following screens:

    • Queues:

      • Pending Bonds

      • Pending Quotes – Sorted by Days to Expire, with upcoming quote expiry first

      • Pending Renewals – Sorted by Days to Expire, with upcoming renewal needed first

    • Find Bonds

    • Find Accounts

    • View All Bonds (from an account)

    • Bond and Account Attachments

    • Bond and Account Diary Notes

  • When the setting is set to True, these grids will be sorted from newest to oldest. When set to False, these grids will be sorted from oldest to newest. The setting will be delivered as True.

  • This setting is located at: All> Setup> Settings> SystemDefault> SortGridsDescending.

11568 – Added Overlay to Calculate Percentage of Premium from Penalty

A new overlay field has been added to calculate the percentage of premium from the bond penalty amount, equal to the formula “Premium/Penalty*100.” The overlay field for this is PremiumDetails_PremiumPercentage.

11715 – Added Functions to Sync People and Companies between Bonds and Accounts

When updating people or companies on a bond and there is a difference between the account version and the bond version of the person or company, the user will be prompted with the option to update the information with the account’s version of the person or company.


4876 –Renewal Effective Dates to Adjust with In-Force Bond’s Expiration Date

When a bond had an existing renewal and the expiration date of the current version of the bond was later modified, the effective date for the renewal would not change, leaving a gap or overlap in-force dates for the versions of the bond. This has been changed to ensure the effective for renewals adjust according to any changes made to the current version of the bond.

10081 – Corrected Renewal Riders to Ensure All Changes are Kept on the Renewal

When changes were made to a Renewal with a rider action, the changes were not being kept on the renewal record. This has been corrected to ensure the changes made are saved.

10342 – Fixed Re-quote Action for Agents

When re-quoting a bond as an agent type user, an error would occur. This has been corrected to allow the completion of the requote action.

11551 – Fixed Error when Reordering Questions

When reordering questions within an application, an error would occur when saving the changes. This as been fixed to allow for the successful saving of the changes.

12003 – Corrected Penalty Dropdown Selection

When applying for a bond with a dropdown-type penalty amount and submitting the page without selecting the penalty amount, the user would no longer be able to continue the application. This has been corrected to allow for the selection of the penalty amount after submitting the page. The user will be prompted to make a selection of the penalty amount and allowed to continue the application.

12405 – Added Background Job to Clear Question Cache for Creating Documents

A background job has been added to clear the question cache for the create documents job. This allows for any changes to questions to be applied to newly generated documents using the overlays for the question changes in the system.

12349 – Fix Applicant Changes on Referred Riders

When a user changed the applicant on a bond with a rider, but the rider subsequently referred, the applicant change would not be kept at the approval of the rider. This has been fixed to keep applicant changes for auto-approved riders and referred riders that are subsequently approved. If the rider is rejected, the changes would not be kept.

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