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6.1.87.x Release Notes

Release Date


7931 – Fixed n-PBR Changes Not Applying to Bonds with Referred Riders

Referred N-PBRs that were subsequently approved and pushed to the original bond had only applied changes to the renewal. This has been corrected to ensure that the corrections are applied to both the renewal and the original regardless of the rider being referred or auto-approved.

9865 – Fixed Account and User Authority Override Settings

  • The AccountAuthorityCanOverrideUserAuthority and UserAuthorityCanOverrideAccountAuthority settings were not being taken into consideration during bond applications and approvals. This has been corrected to allow carrier users the ability to override the account authority limit if the UserAuthorityCanOverrideAccountAuthority setting is ‘True’. Likewise, when the AccountAuthorityCanOverrideUserAuthority setting is ‘True’, bond applications should be able to be approved by a user with an inferior limit, should the account LOC permit it.

  • These settings are located at: All>Setup>Settings>Authentication.

10286 – Contract SFAA Code are now Flagged as Contract

Contract type SFAA codes were marked in the system as commercial type codes. This has been corrected and users will now only view appropriate SFAA codes within Maintain a Bond and Build a Bond for bond configurations of the corresponding bond family.

10963 – Fixed Email Overlays

Established email templates with overlay fields were not generating the information from the overlay field. This has been corrected to ensure overlay fields within email templates populate the overlays.

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