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6.1.82.x Release Notes

Release Date


8482 – CSLB Premium Rate Definition Variable

  • A new variable has been added for Premium Rate Definitions. This is to be used solely with bond configurations integrated with the California State License Board (CSLB). This variable will determine if the license entered on the bond application is a valid license. This is determined by ensuring the CSLB web service returns a positive value for the web service call, and ensuring the number entered is not a CSLB application fee number.

    • NOTE: This premium rate definition variable returns as a yes or no.

10066 – Added Miscellaneous Values to Bond Configuration Page

Ten Miscellaneous Values have been added for bond configurations. These can be used for a client’s specific field needed for each configuration. These are hidden until enabled. Please contact eSURETY™ Support to have any of these fields enabled. Once enabled, these will appear of the Maintain Bond>Configure>Details Tab.

  • These fields can be text fields, text areas, or dropdowns.

  • The Miscellaneous Values are also included in the ETL to configure reports with this data.


3702 – Fixed Wholesaler Search Capability to Only View Wholesaler and Sub-Agency Bonds and Accounts

Wholesaler agents had been able to view bonds and accounts outside of the wholesaler’s own records and its sub-agencies. This has been corrected in all the search fields to ensure wholesaler agent type users can only see bonds and accounts from their own agency and sub-agencies.

9540 – Validated Addresses Not Saving County Field

For the following addresses, the county field was not saving to the database: obligees, carriers, agencies, the project address question, the generic obligee address question, and additional custom address questions. This has been corrected to ensure the County field is saved.

9776 –Conversion Document Sets Not Available at Bid Bond Conversion

Contract document sets set to be generated at the Bid Bond Conversion bond action were not available for selection. Also, final new bond documents sets were available, but not generating. This has been fixed to ensure conversion and final new bond document sets are available to be selected and are generated for the bond action.

9966 – Unable to Pull Credit Report for Referred Bonds if Referral was Due to Credit Bureau Setup Error

If a bond is referred due to a setup error with the credit reporting bureau, subsequent credit pulls would not complete after the setup was corrected. This has been adjusted to allow credit reports to be pulled once the setup is corrected.

9967 – Credit Info Missing and View Report Button Disabled for Account People

When a person on an account did have not a credit report and a bond requiring the credit score is purchased with this person, although the credit report and data was available on the bond, they were not transferred into the account. This has been corrected to ensure the credit report and data are added to the person record on the account from the bond person record.

9902 – Fixed Bond Action to Approve Rejected Bond Applications

Bond that had been auto-rejected or rejected manually after a referral were not able to be subsequently approved. This bond action has been corrected to allow the rejected bond to be approved.

10017 – Company Applicant Not Selectable If No Person Was Entered on a Bond Application

If the Applicant Usage field for a bond configuration is ‘NotSet’ the applicant preference is determined by the CommercialDefaultApplicantType and ContractDefaultApplicantType settings (All>Setup>Settings>SystemDefaults). These settings were requiring the applicant to be the entity type (Person or Company) in the setting. This has been corrected to only prefer the entity type in the setting.

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