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6.1.122.x Release Notes

Release Date


15536 – Warning Message for Out of Sequence Riders

When using the rider pro-rating feature, and processing a premium bearing rider with the effective date of action at an earlier date to a previous rider; a warning message appears to indicate this rider will roll back the changes made to any riders effective after the date given for the current rider being performed. The user may choose to continue or return to make adjustments to the rider.

16930 – Expanded Credit Card Number Validation for New Master Card Range

The New Master Card range (222100-272099) has been added to the credit card number validation process.

16376 – Moved Bond Action Notes to be Viewable without Expanding Section

The Notes field for bond actions has been moved to be displayed without needing to expand the Bond Information section of the bond page.

17326 – Agency SureLYNX™ Logo Added to SureLYNX™ Account Page

The agency SureLYNX™ logo has been added to the top of the SureLYNX™ account page.


12273 – Fixed MFA Remember Device Feature

When validating a user with a multi-factor authentication code, the remember this device feature was not being kept for the time duration specified. This has been corrected to allow for devices to be remembered for the time duration allowed.

16936 – Adjusted Account Rate Modifiers to Only Display Active Records

When using an account rate modifier, both active and inactive records would display. This has been corrected to only display active records

17185 – Corrected SureLYNX™ Content to Only Include Configurations Assigned to Agency

The SureLYNX Content page for agent users has been filtered to only include bond configurations assigned to the agency and are enabled for SureLYNX™ use.

17373 – Fixed Recalculate Button for Premium Bearing Riders when using a Penalty Dropdown and Overriding Premium

When processing a premium bearing rider on a bond which using a penalty dropdown and the user is overriding the base premium field, the recalculate button would not properly process the recalculation. This has been corrected to process and display the recalculated values.

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