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6.1.120.x Release Notes

Release Date


14998 – Question Cache Automation

The Clear Question Cache feature has been adjusted to be processed together with the saving of any question adjustments including question and question group creation and edits, addition and removal of questions to applications, and adjustments to question requirement, lifecycles, etc. The question cache buttons will no longer be available on the pages.

15845 – Bond Number Adjustment Permission by Bond Action

  • The Bond Number Override allowed action has been expanded to allow for specific bond actions to be eligible for users to edit the bond number field.

  • To implement add the initial ‘warn’ or ‘prevent’ setting in the Additional Info column first, if applicable (if not applicable, begin with a pipe |). After the setting and pipe |, list the bond action id for the actions this user role would be able to adjust the bond number on. For a full list of bond action ids, please note the Bond Number Override article in the Help section for that page.

16624 – Separation by Bond Family of Account Rate Modifier and Factor

The Account Rate Modifier and Account Rate Factor fields have been separated into two fields each, one for each bond family: Commercial and Contract. These fields will apply as previously implemented but will be used distinctly between bond families.

An additional field has been added to the account application templates to set the default account rate modifier for newly created accounts.

Upon delivery, the original value for these fields will be copied into the both fields for each bond family.

16845 – Added Agents, Bond Classes, Bond Categories, and Transaction Modified by User Information to Available Custom TransSync Fields

  • The following were added to the available information for custom TransSync fields:

    • Bond Classes

    • Bond Categories

    • Agents (when applicable to the user entering a transaction)

    • User Information (for the user issuing a transaction on a bond)

16689 – Allow Setting of Next Renewal Billing Type with Bond Import

The Next Renewal Billing Type has been added to the Bond Import web service.

17064 – Setting to Suppress Rate Modifiers for Fees

The SuppressModifierForFees setting has been added to apply rate modification to maintenance, retainage, and completion time surcharge fees. This setting will be delivered as True, which will not apply rate modifiers to these fees. To utilize, set the setting value to False.


16646 – Fixed TransSync Job Creating Dependent Records when Job Fails

If the TransSync background job errored, dependent records could be created without the main TransSync information. This has been corrected to ensure the main TransSync information is written together with the dependent records.

16654 – Corrected Effective Date of Action Overlay Field

When using the BondDetails_EffectiveDateOfAction overlay field on document templates, the date printed would be set to the date of the transaction. This has been corrected to print the date entered in the field.

16688 – Fixed Ability to Adjust Premium Rate Definition Variables for Imported Bonds

When using the bond import web service, bonds with premium rate variables which require user definition would not allow the bond to process transactions. This has been corrected to allow for the variable to be set with a premium bearing rider.

16856 – Removed Required Questions Causing Error at Renewal Application

When a required question was removed from an application and was assigned to the renewal lifecycle, the renewal application would error due to still requiring the question’s answer. This has been adjusted to ensure any removed questions are no longer required as part of the renewal applications.

17062 – Corrected Maintenance Tier Calculation

When using tiered maintenance rates, the calculation excluded the first unit of the first tier. This has been corrected to include this unit.

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