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6.1.115.x Release Notes

Release Date


15774 – Corrected Dates for REST TransSync API Call

For the REST TransSync API call, the dates were being converted from the UTC time zone to EST, adjusting the effective date back to 7 PM of the prior day of the true effective date. This has been corrected to bring in the correct date and time of the effective date.

15180 – Added Validation for Generic Obligee Fields to the Bond Import API

When bond is imported with a generic obligee, and the generic obligee address was incomplete (missing Address1, City, State, or Zip Code); the bond import would not return an error message with the missing information details. Error messaging has been implemented and stops the bond import process, returning the proper error(s) from the bond import attempt. Once the proper corrections have been made, the bond import can be reattempted.

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