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6.1.113.x Release Notes

Release Date


15128 – Enabled Address Questions to be Mapped to Custom TransSync Fields

User defined address type questions are enabled to be added to the TransSync Custom fields. Please contact eSURETY® Support for assistance in mapping any address field to TransSync Custom fields.

15573 – Added Fields to TransSync

  • The following fields have been added to the TransSync data:

    • AgencyCounty

    • ObligeeCounty

    • BondIsActive

    • ProducerOfRecordUserName

    • ErrorMessage

      • NOTE: ErrorMessage is the data received from the FinishSingleGetBondTransactions and FinishGetBondTransactionsWithFailures web service calls.

15602 – Added Risk State to Bond Import Web Service

The Risk State has been added to the Bond Import web service to allow for the Risk State field to be determined for imported contract bonds.


15273 – Modified Auto Renewals to Refer if a Required Question is Unanswered

When a bond was processing an auto renewal, but there is an unanswered question for the bond (possibly due to a change on the configuration), the auto renewal would stop without a renewal application. This has been adjusted to refer the renewal application and the question would then be available to be answered at approval.

15414 – Adjusted MFA Codes for One-Time Use

When using an MFA code for the login process (when required), and a code is issued; the code would remain valid for future use unless a new MFA code was requested. This has been adjusted to require a new code for each login attempt (when required).

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