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6.1.108.x Release Notes

Release Date


13146 – Edit Info Action for Referred Bonds

A new action has been added for referred bonds to allow for changes to be made to the bond without approving or rejecting the referral. This action will be available for referrals at New Bond Application, Renewals, nPBRs, PBRs, Renewal nPBRs, PBRs, and Bid Bond Conversions.

14169 – Account Application Template Toggle

A dropdown has been added to the account page to allow for users to toggle from one account application template to another to view the account information according to the selected application template.

14339 – Yes/No Question Slider

The Yes/No input type for questions has been modified to a slider. Question will remain unanswered when loaded. Then clicking within the slider will move the marker to the desired answer.

Note: The Yes/No input type questions previously did not enforce the answer to the question to be required when designated to be. This has been corrected as part of this item.


14570 – Corrected Document Preview on SureLYNX™ Pages

  • When loading the preview of bond documents for SureLYNX™ bonds when within an iFrame, the PDF would not load in the browser. This has been corrected to allow for the PDF to display in the PDF viewer in the browser.

    • NOTE: When in this scenario and using Internet Explorer, the PDF will not display immediately but can be downloaded from the PDF viewer.

14575 – Fixed Requoting of Term Variable in a Premium Rate Definition

When requoting a bond with a premium rate definition using a Term variable and adjusting the term duration, the expiration date for the bond would not adjust with the change. This has been corrected to have the expiration date adjust accordingly.

14576 – Adjusted Bond Actions to Maintain a Penalty Dropdown when Applicable

When using a pre-defined penalty dropdown, after the initial application for the bond, the penalty field would be open for editing. The has been adjusted to continue the use of the penalty dropdown for the bond for any additional actions in which the penalty can be edited.

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