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6.1.104.x Release Notes

Version 6.1.104.x Release Notes


12152 – Added Address Question Text to Question Listing

The question text for address input type questions has been added to display above the address fields.

12966 – Ability to Pull People and Companies from Account to Bond

Ability has been added to pull in existing people and companies from an account onto a bond that does not have these entities listed on the bond.

To load existing people or companies from the bond’s account, click on the ‘Load People/Companies’ button. Any people or companies not currently on the bond will appear.

Once loaded, users can remove any people or companies not desired to be on the bond.

13145 – Added Pre-Paid Years to be Edited with Premium Bearing Rider (PBR)

Pre-Paid year selection has been added to the PBR action. This will adjust the expiration date and premium information according to the configuration setup.

NOTE: When using the Pro-Rating feature, an adjustment to the pre-paid selection will reset the proration. It is recommended to reset the penalty amount with the pre-paid selection adjustment, and then re-do the prorating rider.

13522 – Localization of Quick Search Label

The ‘Quick Search’ label has been localized to be relabeled according to client preference.

13740 – Added CommissionRate Field to Bond Import Web Service

The CommissionRate field has been added to be used in the Bond Import Web Service.


5772 – Removed Inactive Credit Score Range Items from Being Used

When a credit score range item was inactivated, it would continue to be used by premium rate definitions. This has been corrected, to exclude inactive credit score range items from being used.

5901 – Corrected Bond Application Error for Copy Bond and Build a Bond

When copying a bond or building a new bond configuration and the bond configuration title exceeded eighty characters, the bond application would error for the new configuration. This has been corrected to ensure the bond application is created with the new configuration regardless of the bond configuration title character count.

13282 – Fixed CurrentBillingName and CurrentBillingCode Overlays

When using the CurrentBillingName or the CurrentBillingCode overlays, these would not populate on document templates or email templates. This has been corrected to populate these fields with the billing type selection information.

13591 – Removed Content from Search Engine Results

When searching for users, agencies, or other system data; the eSURETY™ application would appear as results. This has been corrected to prevent this information displaying in search engines.

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