6.0.58.x Release Notes
Release Date |
5890 – MFA Required for all Users Able to View and/or Pull Credit Scores and Reports
On the Secured Actions page for Security Roles, if either the ‘Can View Credit Report Data’ or the ‘Can Get Credit Report’ secured actions are enabled, the ‘Require MFA’ secured action will not be able to be turned off.
If a user attempts to turn the ‘Require MFA’ secured action off without turning off the ‘Can View Credit Report Data’ and the ‘Can Get Credit Report’ secured actions as well, an error message will display stopping the change.
NOTE: The ‘MFANoRemember’, ‘MFAOnly’, ‘MFAOnlyNoRemember’, and ‘WhitelistOnly’ options for the ‘Required MFA’ secured action are still able to be used.
5891 – Saved MFA Records are Only Valid for Seven Days
Previously e-SURETY™ had a setting to allow clients to adjust how many days an MFA record is remembered. Due to security requirements, this has now been hardcoded to be for seven days.
NOTE 1: The ‘IpWhiteList’ setting is still available and can be used to bypass the MFA process for users logging in from the IP(s) entered into this setting. To find this setting, go to: All>Setup>Settings>Authentication>IpWhiteList.
NOTE 2: The ‘MFANoRemember’ and the ‘MFAOnlyNoRemember’ options for the ‘Require MFA’ secured action would bypass the saved MFA records, and requires MFA entries each time a user logs into the system.
5892 – Audit Logging of Credit Scores and Reports Access
e-SURETY™ now logs all access to credit scores and credit reports. This is stored in the Log Viewer as an ‘Info’ type record. This record keeps the action performed, the user Id, and the person Id from the e-SURETY™ database. This is found at: All>System Tables>Log Viewer>Info.
6025 – Increased Protection of User Passwords
Refactored the ‘Reset Password’ feature to prevent unauthorized parties to alter passwords from outside e-SURETY™.
5340 – Added PurchaseRenewalQuoteURL overlay for E-mail Templates
A new e-mail template overlay has been added called PurchaseRenewalQuoteURL. This overlay produces a URL that opens a page for a consumer to purchase the quote for a renewal application. This overlay is located in the ‘Bond’ Overlay Category within the setup page for e-mail templates.
NOTE: the existing PurchaseQuoteURL overlay is to be used for purchasing new bond applications.
5953 – ClearLogRecords Job that Cleans Out Only Debug Logs
There is a new job (ClearLogRecords) that cleans out only Debug logs older than 90 days. This job will be scheduled to be run daily. It can also be run manually from the e-SURETY™ application at: All>Background Jobs>Submit a Job>ClearLogRecords.
NOTE: If a number is placed in the additional info field for the job, this number overrides the 90 days setting for the job, and clears out any debug log records from that number of days back and prior.
5770 – Fixed the Auto Approved Renewal Application E-mail Trigger
The Auto Approved Renewal Application e-mail trigger was being triggered by a referred renewal application. This has been corrected to be triggered only when a renewal application is auto-approved without ever being referred.
5209 – Fixed Incompatibility Between the e-SURETY™ Store and Mac Type Devices
The e-SURETY™ Store was having incompatibility issues with Mac type devices. This did not allow users to continue through the e-SURETY™ Store after submitting a preliminary account. There also was incompatibility with the Credit Card entry pop-up and the generation of the PDF file for the bond document.