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6.0.49.x Release Notes

Release Date


  • 4991 – Created New Reject Renewal NPBR email trigger

    • When set up, an email can now be sent out when the system rejects a renewal NPBR due to an auto-reject rule. This feature operates off of the current Npbr Rejected Trigger.

  • 4104 – Added new Textbox Validation type of Month/Day and new Question Input Type of Year

    • Month/Day validation ensures that the format of the response is MM/DD, the entered month is a number 1-12, and the entered day is actually a day within that month.

      • To set up a question with Month/Day validation: create a new question, set the Question Input Type to Textbox and select Month/Day for Textbox Validation.

    • The Year question input type ensures that all entries are in the format YYYY and fall between 1700 – 2199.

      • To set up a question with the year format: create a new question and set the Question Input Type to Year.

  • 4881 – Redesigned logout button and made CSS independent from the Navigation Bar

    • Logout button is no longer a dropdown and should display the Username of the logged in user.

    • Also made the logout button independent of the navigation bar color scheme to allow for custom CSS styling to be applied to both the navigation bar and the logout button.

  • 4145 – Created an email trigger for bonds that were rejected because of credit

    • The email trigger complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and will send out an email if a bond submission is either auto-rejected or referred and then subsequently rejected, and the credit rule was responsible in part or completely for the auto-rejection or referral.

    • To Set up a Credit Based Rejection email template:

      • Create a new email template setting the Bond Trigger to Credit Based Rejection.

  • 3975 – The Attorney in Fact dropdown can now be suppressed

    • To disable the Attorney in Fact dropdown:

      • In settings, expand the node UserInterface. Set the setting SuppressEsuretyAttorneyInFact setting to True.

  • 3777 – Add Attorney in Fact in Email Templates as a recipient

    • When editing an email template check the option Send to AIF.

    • In cases where no email exists for an Attorney in Fact or where no Attorney in Fact is selected on the bond, the DefaultAttorneyInFactEmail setting will determine where the email will be sent to. This setting is can be found in System Settings under the SystemDefault node. The email can either be sent to the Agency or Carrier default email by inputting Agency or Carrier respectively in this setting.

  • 4981 – Set Minimum Width of Storefront fields.

    • Added a minimum width to storefront fields to prevent page abnormalities when resizing the Window. This also makes the store front compatible with most tablets.

    • Also standardized data entry fields so that they would appear uniformly.

  • 4737 – Made Improvements to the bond store and made certain field texts customizable

    • Added a customizable instructions header for the bond store states page (highlighted in yellow):

    • From a State’s bond listings, the following texts are now customizable:

      • 1. Search text

      • 2. Text for the search button

      • 3. Class filter text

      • 4. Obligee filter text

      • 5. Text for filter button

      • 6. Bond name label

      • 7. Obligee name label

      • 8. Actions label

      • 9. Bond detail button text

      • 10. Buy a bond button text

      • 11. Clear search button text

      • 12. Clear filter button text

    • Added bond title at the top of screen throughout the bond buying process. When buying a bond in the bond store the header will display the bond store bond title. Inside the application it will display the e-Surety bond title.

    • Made the title for the address popup customizable.

    • On the bond store bond summary page hid AIF dropdown

    • If the application produces a quote in the bond store the go to bond button is no longer an option

    • Changed the ‘Choose’ button when selecting an existing account to be the far left column in the pop-up box.


  • 5047- Fixed issue where Financial Spreadsheets would not load entries if no company FEIN was submitted.

  • 5004 –e-SuretyTM was not storing a credit score in the system for TransUnion clients utilizing the Fico95 score model.

  • 5111 – Corrected errors running the ‘ClearTestAgency’ job.

  • 3972 – Saved info typed into Bond Class Store Value was not being retained.

  • 4255 – When using a dropdown for penalty, a selection is now required.

  • 4815 – The Pending Renewals Queue is now limited by agency for agents.

  • 4990 – Bond documents are no longer printing when a Non Premium Bearing Rider, Premium Bearing Rider, or a Renewal is rejected.

Technical New Features\Fixes

  • 5111 – Add new Foreign Key constraints to the job.

  • 4881 - Made the logout button Independent of the Navigation Bar to allow for custom CSS styling to be applied to both the Navigation Bar and the logout button.

  • 3931 Added BondId and UserId to Logging

    • This awards the e-SuretyTM support team the ability to trace miscellaneous errors back to bonds and the user that submitted said bond for a greater troubleshooting ability.

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